Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sheep Cyclone
12 years ago
I have had this red J. Crew sweater for ages, but the sleeves were too long and too bulky to just roll up. It's been on my list to undo and reknit down for ages. |
Here it is in progress. It is now done, but I have no photos of the finished piece. Oh, well. Yay, it is much more wearable now. |
Circus boy and I went to see Circus in the Parks by Midnight Circus. Look at their beautiful new tent! |
Even more awesome inside the tent! |
I saw Don Quixote by the Joffrey Ballet. I love the Joffrey, and they dance at the Auditorium Theater, my favorite theater. |
My circus friends at MSA & Circus Arts forced me to try the aerial silks. It was HARD! |
Circus boy makes it look so easy! |
In position for the big drop finale... |
...and there he goes! |