Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Downtown Today

I used to go downtown every day, and then nearly every day for a large part of my life. I loved knowing where to go, and how to plan my route to maximize my errand running, and the people watching.

I had to go downtown today, so I hopped on the train and enjoyed not having to drive, park and pay through the nose for doing so.

First stop, the post office, there was a loud conversation going on behind me with a postal worker trying to explain something to a man from another country. I took a look at him, and figured out he was Japanese. As I was leaving the post office, he was at the counter and there was major confusion. So I stepped in and helped him out. We chatted a little, but oh my, my Japanese is so rusty!

After that I went to city hall to get a sticker for my car. The line was unbelievable, but fast moving. I knit and looked at the lovely mosaic tiles in the ceiling and chatted with the guy ahead of me in line.

I called my friend H, and we met up and ended up doing something we hadn't done together for about 20+ years. We went thrifting. It was great!

My day was nothing like I had planned, and it was fun and relaxed. I got to be around a bunch of very diverse people and in a different environment. It was great! I really love my city. I'm glad my day allowed me to appreciate it.

Friday, June 25, 2010


...or maybe just an attention problem.

I have finally finished the sleeves of the pretty simple, but killing me baby sweater. Finally.
Don't ask how many times various sleeves have been re-done, because, no, I will not tell you. I might roll my eyes a little, but I may have lost count. I know. Ridiculous. Look at those little things. What was my problem?

Okay, enough about that. The sleeves are done, I have even picked out the buttons...for the um...oh, I think I better dust the living room...wait, do I need to go outside and pull weeds? Did my phone just ring? Oh, yeah, I better check my email while I'm not too far from the computer...




The buttonbands, pick up and knit...blah blah blah.

I know, I know.

At least there's a new post for you to read.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Frites and the French Market

What a great spot for a WWKIP! A bit out of the way, but there was air conditioning, no sun (yeah, seriously, I have a pretty horrendous sun allergy) and excellent food and some great knitters!

Had I not forgotten my camera, there would be a lovely shot of the crispy critters here.

Sorry, you'll just have to take my word for it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

WWKiP Saturday, June 12, 2010

World Wide Knit In Public Day!

At the Chicago French Market 131 North Clinton Street and look for the Windy City Knitting Guild.

Bring a project to work on and be prepared to spend a great afternoon…and IN PUBLIC!

WCKG is going to be giving free knitting lessons – if you need to brush up, join us!


You are MOST welcome to join us! We are *inclusive* not exclusive! : )

I hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

This Simple Baby Sweater is Killing Me!

I don't know. This sweater is just kicking my butt. Mistake after mistake, and crappy looking stitches galore!

I ripped out sleeve 1 because it just looked so bad and was just a mess. I was knitting on 2 circs, for the first time. The needles are identical, and I managed to do everything to get them in the wrong position - no photos of that mess because it's just a bit embarrassing. It still looks weird, but I have to rip back and re-do the cuff in the right size needle...

Oh, well. It's just knitting. It can all be undone. The yarn is still lovely, and nice to work with. I would just like to get this done sometime soon and move on to something else.

There must be something about these size 7 bamboo DPNs that is really irresistible because the cats have nibbled most of these tips! I have to check and see if there is a non nibbled point to knit on to, knitting off of one isn't too bad. I'll have to dig out some sandpaper after this is done.